This was enough for Beverly Hills Judge Marsha Revel to issue a bench warrant late Tuesday for Lohan's arrest, claiming the 23-year-old actress was "in violation for conditions on bail." Her prior $100,000 bail was revoked because of the violation; another $200,000 in bail was paid.
It's unclear what triggered the alarm, but the obvious thought would be, seeing as how it was a party, that Lohan took one (or more) drinks. The SCRAM bracelet detects alcohol in a person's perspiration.
An additional possibility is that Lohan tried to interfere with the bracelet somehow, so she could take a drink.
Of course, Lohan denied any wrongdoing, posting the following on Twitter:
My scram wasn't set off-Its physically impossible considering I've nothing for it to go off-All of these false resports are absolutely wrongWearing the monitoring bracelet was part of the requirements imposed by Revel after Lohan missed a mandatory hearing on her probation related to an earlier DUI case. Her lawyer claimed her passport was stolen.
Despite her claim of sobriety, Lohan’s lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, said in a statement that the device indicated the "presence of a small amount of alcohol," which was what set off the alert.
The sheer number of times that Lohan has avoided "real" jail time (she did serve for 84 minutes at one time) has led many to point to the "celebrity entitlement" issue that seems to pervade the judicial system.
One has to wonder if the lack of jail time, which Jane Q. Public would most certainly have faced by now, will lead to eventual tragedy, either for her or someone else.
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