Friday, July 2, 2010

Clueless America: 26 percent don't know we split from England

This should be shocking news. However, considering America is the country that wanted to elect a Vice-President who did not know Africa was a continent, and who could not list a series of publications she regularly read.

iSkin products for Mac, iPod, iPhone, and more26 percent of Americans do not know that the U.S. split from Great Britain when it declared its independence, according to a Marist Poll. That 74 percent do know the correct answer is small comfort.

20 percent were unsure of which country the U.S. split from. Meanwhile, the other 6 percent mentioned France, China, Japan, Mexico, and Spain, among others. Don't imagine it's senility, either: the youngest group was the worst, with 18-29 year olds only answering correctly 60 percent of the time.

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