Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bill Maher: Sarah Palin and the GOP Unreality Bubble

It's been said, and perhaps rightly so, that nowadays there is no such thing as privacy. With Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more, there's little reason to expect that anything you say will be kept in confidence. Particularly in the realm of politics, of course.

Bill Maher's "epilogue" to his New Rules on the May 28th episode of his show was right on. While pointing a great deal at politicians, it's something that everyone should remember in this data-everywhere world. As he said, "Even when you're just at Wal-Mart in your pajamas buying condoms, someone is taking a picture of it and putting it on a website called 'People at Wal-Mart Buying Condoms in Their Pajamas.'"

Here's the full transcript, and the video is below:
Jesus once said that there was nothing hidden that would not some day be revealed, but if he was alive today, and walked on water, it would be instantly on YouTube between a skateboard accident and a turtle biting a baby's ass. And the first comment would be "fag."

High-Quality iPod/iPhone AccessoriesEven when you're just at Wal-Mart in your pajamas buying condoms, someone is taking a picture of it and putting it on a website called "People at Wal-Mart Buying Condoms in Their Pajamas." And Fergie, Fergie, Fergie -- whenever you're doing something shady in a hotel room, of course someone is filming it. Also be aware that, without makeup, you don't look anything like you do in the Black Eyed Peas.

And politically, it's even more ridiculous to think you can get away with a lie: Richard Blumenthal, running for the Senate in Connecticut, saying he was in Vietnam when he wasn't? This isn't camp, where you can tell a lie and no one will know back home. The Army keeps records!

Or John McCain saying, " I never considered myself a maverick," which of course prompted an avalanche of video, e-mails, letters and probably telegrams of McCain bragging that he was a maverick. There's video of everything, so to think you can get away with making a speech and just pulling stuff out of your ass, you'd have to be an egomaniac, a sociopath, or a world-class moron. Which brings me to Sarah Palin.

Now, last week Sarah said she knows what the Gulf states are going through now because, "I have lived and worked through that Exxon Valdez oil spill." Oh, please she 25, living in another part of the state that didn't see any oil. She "lived and worked" through Exxon Valdez the same way Christie Brinkley lived and worked through the Iranian hostage crisis. But she got away with it because she lied in the one place where it's still perfectly acceptable to lie -- inside the Republican bubble. It's where facts don't matter, because no one ever hears from that other side inconvenient called reality. 24 days into the oil spill, Fox News' Brit Hume said, "Where's the oil? You don't see it on the shore" -- like it's a hoax by pelicans to get free baths.

Within that bubble, people think they can get away with anything -- hiking the Appalachian trail? Getting your gay hooker from But they can't -- no one can anymore. If you don't believe me, text Tiger Woods and ask him.

And, speaking of hound dogs, our old friend John Edwards is looking for a plea deal this month, because he said he didn't have sex with that woman, and then they found video of him going down on her when she was six-months pregnant. Senator, there's got to be a simpler way to hide your face from the camera. Don't you have a hat?
Watch it:

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Man dies from uterine cancer passed on by transplant

A man has died of cancer, given to him via a transplant. For Vincent Liew, the kidney he received from a woman seemed to be a lifesaver, but it ended up being a killer.

Donor Sandy Cabrera had died of a stroke the day before Liew received her kidney. It wasn't until an autopsy found the uterine cancer, days after her death, that it was known that she carried the disease. At that time, Liew's doctors doubted it could spread to him.

Seven months later, however, Liew was killed by cancer that his autopsy linked to the transplant. His death is believed to be the only reported instance of uterine cancer apparently being transmitted by transplant, medical experts say. It is also the subject of a medical malpractice trial in which closing arguments were scheduled for Thursday.

What is unclear is why the news of Cabrera's cancer took so long to reach Liew's New York City transplant surgeon, Dr. Thomas Diflo. Liew's transplant was Feb. 25, 2002; the news did not reach Diflo until April 17, 2002.

Kimberly Liew, his widow, is suing the transplant hospital, NYU Langone Medical Center, saying doctors there should have removed the kidney as soon as they learned of the donor's cancer. However, Diflo testified that he told Liew the safest route was to remove the kidney, although he did tell Liew the odds of developing the cancer were slim, as it was uterine cancer.

As such, Liew himself made the decision to keep the kidney. Tests given from May to August found no indication of cancer in the kidney. It was later that year, suffering from back pain, that Liew had Diflo remove the kidney, on Aug. 29, 2002. Once removed, it was apparent the kidney was laden with tumors; Liew died within a month.

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Two-year-old Indonesian chain-smoker: Video

The U.S. has seen smoking in decline for some time. Other countries aren't necessarily following suit. Sometimes, they seem to be encouraging their kids to smoke, too, as in the case of this two year old.

Ardi Rizal, a 2-year-old Indonesian toddler, has a 40-cigarette-a-day smoking habit. While local officials has offered to buy the family a new car if he quits, his parents are apparently afraid of his tantrums.

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His mother is Diana, 26, who said, "He's totally addicted. If he doesn't get cigarettes, he gets angry and screams and batters his head against the wall. He tells me he feels dizzy and sick." Meanwhile, his father sees nothing wrong with it. Mohammed, 30, said: "He looks pretty healthy to me. I don't see the problem."

Watch the disturbing video and sound off.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Large marijuana seizure turns into simple yard work

What had been originally pegged as "one of the largest marijuana plant seizures in the police department's history" in terms of a Texas police department, instead turned into a bad day of weeding. It turned out the weed in question was actually just that, a simple weed. Free Shipping and Free ReturnsIt all happened in Corpus Christi, TX. At about 8PM on Thursday night, a teenage bike rider discovered what he thought were marijuana plants growing in Waldron Park in Flour Bluff.

Officers ultimately spent hours tagging and removing some 400 plants from the city park. Only after testing did they discover that the plants were Horse Mint, a member of the mint family, and certainly not something you could get high on.

In effect, the police operation turned into mere yard work.

Watch a video report:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Octomom receives $5,000 to promote spaying, neutering pets

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is paying octomom Nadya Suleman $5,000 to display a sign in her La Habra front yard. The sign says, "Don't Let Your Dog or Cat Become an Octomom. Always Spay or Neuter."

3 Months for the Price of 1As an added perk, PETA is throwing in a free month's supply of veggie burgers and veggie hot dogs for Nadya Suleman and her 14 children. Suleman became famous, first for having octuplets, and then after people found out that she had them when she had eight embryos implanted via in vitro fertilization, after already having six other children that way.

Nadya Suleman has also been offered a chance by Vivid Entertainment, one of the world's largest porn films producers. IF she agreed to make a porn film, Vivid has said they would pay off their mortgage.

However, Suleman's lawyer, Jeff Czech, indicated she had rejected that offer. He said to the AP, "No porn. Just PETA. Nadya prefers animals over men."

Uh, Jeff, read that a few times. We think it came out a little wrong.

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Welcome SLU MAT Class of 2012!

The SLU Master of Athletic Training class of 2012 began professional classes this week with ANAT 400 Gross Anatomy and MAT 501 Principles of Athletic Training.  There are 5 SLU students and 4 post-baccalaureate transfers in the class.  Best wishes and welcome to the professional phase of the program!
Faculty and Class of 2012 (from left) Heather Allen, Kitty Newsham, Kacey Morrison, Caitlin Werkmeister, Darcy Downey, Justin Lynch, Scott Peters, JJ Hannigan, Samantha Peltzer, Leah Egeland, Tony Breitbach, Kemba Noel-London

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Barack Obama assassination attempt used as geometry lesson

An Alabama geometry teacher has used his lesson plans to target Barack Obama, and it turned out to interest the Secret Service. The unnamed Corner High School teacher used the example of where to stand and aim if shooting Obama, to teach about angles.

Joseph Brown, a senior in the geometry class, said, "He was talking about angles and said, 'If you're in this building, you would need to take this angle to shoot the president.' "

U.S. Secret Service agents, informed of the event "through the grapevine," questioned the teacher but determined no credible threat existed. 

 Superintendent Phil Hammonds said the teacher remained at work, and there were no plans for termination. However, Hammonds added,
"We are going to have a long conversation with him about what's appropriate. It was extremely poor judgment on his part, and a poor choice of words."

ATEP Celebrates Graduating Students

The Saint Louis University Athletic Training Education Program graduating the first Master of Athletic Training students in SLU history at the Doisy College of Health Sciences precommencement ceremony on May 13, 2010 and the University Commencement on May 15, 2010.  The MAT graduates celebrated at dinner with the program faculty and their families after precommencement.
Kellie Black, Ilene Chambers, Heather King and Eric Sass received the MAT degrees.  Jacob Blasingame, Meghan Gehrs and Emily Monahan received their Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science degrees, they will get their MAT degrees in May 2011.
SLU Athletic Training Students wait for their name to be called at the Doisy precommencement at Chaifetz Arena.
 Program Director Tony Breitbach read the names of the graduates.
Emily Monahan and Meghan Gehrs are all smiles on graduation day!
MAT graduates pictured with program faculty at celebration dinner at the Square One Brewery in Lafayette Square near campus.
Best wishes Ilene, Heather, Kellie and Eric!

SLU Faculty Answer Questions on FOX2 Morning Show

Sports Medicine Experts Answer Viewer Questions

 To see the video story click here

To see the chat transcript click here

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Too many Jews on Supreme Court: Buchanan

Pat Buchanan has attacked Elena Kagen, U.S. President Barack Obama's latest Supreme Court nominee, using a different tactic. He said there are too many Jews on the Supreme Court. In a column he wrote for WorldNetDaily on Friday, he said:
"If Kagan is confirmed, Jews, who represent less than 2 percent of the US population, will have 33 percent of the Supreme Court seats. Is this the Democrats' idea of diversity?"
Honestly, it's unclear where Buchanan got the idea that choices for the Supreme Court have to exactly mirror the U.S. population. If that were the case, there should be 5 women on the Supreme Court, as women outnumber men in the U.S.

Or rather, there should be 4 women and a transvestite, perhaps, since the number of women in the U.S. is only slightly more than men. Additionally, it would mean that you could never have a Jew on the Supreme Court unless the nominee were only partly Jewish, based on his statement.

Karl Frisch at MediaMatters points out a couple of important things. One, that in 1977, Buchanan called Hitler "an individual of great courage, a soldier’s soldier in the Great War, a leader steeped in the history of Europe ..."

Second, he notes that this breakdown of the religious affiliation of all Supreme Court justices (ever) proves that Buchanan should be pointing at Episcopalians it he wants to complain. They have have accounted for 32.4 percent of all Supreme Court justices, but only represent 1.7 percent of the U.S. population.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Miley Cyrus lap dance video opens eyes

Do we really need to ask if Miley Cyrus has ushered herself into adulthood just a little too quickly?

TMZ found the video (below) of Miley Cyrus at the wrap party for "The Last Song." She was 16 at the time, and basically gave openly gay movie producer Adam Shankman a lap dance. Ironically, Shankman is a judge on "So You Think You Can Dance?"

Watch it.

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tiger Woods porn Movie to star alleged mistress, release on May 17

Considering the sheer volume of Tiger Woods' mistresses, it had to happen. No, we're not speaking about one of them making a profit off the story; that's already happened, and we're sure, more than once. No, we're speaking of a porn movie centered around the theme.

It is, quite honestly, the story that will never end.

Joslyn James, AKA Veronica Siwik-Daniels, the Tiger Woods porn star mistress who said she was twice impregnated by Woods after unprotected sex, is set to star in "The Eleventh Hole." According to the press release, it is a
"movie that will depict never-before-told intimate details of her three-year relationship with the golf champion."

Video Game Rentals DeliveredThe movie will be released by porn giant Vivid under its Vivid-Celeb imprint. That label has previously released movies featuring celebrities having sex, including Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, Kim Kardashian, former Miss USA Kelli McCarty and Playboy Playmate and reality TV star Shauna Sand.

In an earlier interview, James said:
"Even at major tournaments we would manage to hook up, and in fact it wasn't unusual for us to have sex four or five times a day."
The picture above shows James at an audition for actors for the role of Tiger Woods in the film. The movie is scheduled to release on May 17th.

Friday, May 7, 2010

SLU Athletic Training Student Reports from Summer NFL Internship

By: Jacob Blasingame
Jacob is spending the summer as an intern with the NFL's St. Louis Rams
The St. Louis Rams’ off season workouts started this past weekend with a rookie mini-camp, and all of the rookies and first year free agents were there.  I will be interning with the Rams athletic training staff during the off season and preseason camps, and I got my first taste this past weekend.  At first it was extremely intimidating walking into the Russell Training Center Saturday morning, and thinking about working with professional athletes.  Our day started at 6am where we got the athletic training room ready for the day, and the players came in at about 7am to get taped.  Once I taped a few wrists and ankles my nerves calmed down, and it was like any other athletic training room with any other athletes.  They were just a whole lot bigger, and weren’t afraid to tell you when they didn’t like your taping.  I even got the opportunity to wrap the shoulder on one of the lineman’s, and my arms couldn’t reach around him.  
The majority of the day consisted of two practices.  During practice each athletic trainer and intern is assigned to a position and is to follow them around the fields.  Whenever they sprinted to the next drill, we sprinted too.  There is no walking on the football field, and that goes for the athletic training staff as well.  Our job was to give them water and bandage any cuts.  I was with the defensive backs for the day and the entire defense during team time.  Our day ended at 7pm, and we were back up there at 6am on Sunday to do it again.  It was a great first experience, and I am excited for the rest of the summer.  The team will have a series of OTA’s (organized team activities) throughout the summer and another mini-camp for all of the players that I will help out with, and then training camp starts July 25th.