Margarita Velasco delivered the twins, Marcello, and Stephano, by C-section at Tampa General Hospital. Marcello was delivered just before midnight, at 11:59:37 PM. His younger twin, Stephano, was delivered just as the New Year began, at 12:00:02 AM. Marcello is left, above.
Unsurprisingly, Marcello was the last baby born at TGH in 2009. However, Stephano was not the first baby born at TGH in 2010. That honor went to Kaylan Ann McDaniel, who was delivered one second after midnight.
Juan Velasco, their father, says it's great that they have different birthdays, because each boy will get to have his own birthday party. However, they are still in intensive care because they were born about 10 weeks early. Doctors say they'll get to go home in about eight weeks.
Those who are sticklers for accuracy will note that in reality, the decade does not end until the end of 2010. Obviously, since a decade covers 10 years, the first decade would have be 1-10, which would then be extrapolated to mean the 2001 - 2010 is this decade.
Also, as is always the case for babies born this close to Christmas, they will be somewhat ripped off in terms of combination birthday / Christmas presents.
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