Friday, January 22, 2010

Nadya Suleman Back In Bikini Shape, Without Surgery?

Nadya Suleman, also known as "Octomom" as the result of having octuplets after in vitro fertilization, is, according to Star magazine, back in bikini shape. And, according to the magazine, there was no surgery or air brushing of the photo.

That would be extremely had to believe, given the past pictures of Nadya Suleman during her pregnancy. Additionally, any who watched some of the specials about the Gosselins and witnessed images Kate Gosselin's stomach after her birth of sextuplets, would probably be convinced that Suleman would have had to have surgery, as Gosselin did.

At any rate, the article (available in full on newsstands) says that Suleman had no surgery, and did it all with diet and exercise.

Besides the octuplets she had, Suleman had six children previously, which raised the hackles of many once it was discovered that she had eight further embryos implanted.

Readers, what do you think? Air brush, surgery, or both?
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