Sunday, December 13, 2009

Former Madam Says Has 1099 For Tiger's Jamie Jungers

The news get worse and worse. The latest Tiger Woods update, for today, would include the following: one of is major sponsors, Accenture, has summarily dropped him. Jamie Jungers, mistress number 4, says that she and Tiger Woods had sex as his father lay dying. And finally, a former madam says she has a 1099 form for Jamie Jungers that proves she worked as an escort for her.

Accenture dropped Woods, saying that the company "has determined that he is no longer the right representative for its advertising." Accenture frequently tried to link Tiger Woods' strengths and focus with its own.

Meanwhile, Jamie Jungers told "News of the World" that on the night that Tiger's father Earl Woods died, she and Tiger were together. He visited his dad in a hospice, then went home to see Jungers. Afterwards, as they lay in bed, with Jungers, as she said, "beside him wearing nothing but a pair of panties," Tiger received a call telling him Earl had passed away.

Finally, while Jungers has denied taking money from Woods or being an escort, onetime madam Michelle Braun begs to differ.

Jamie Jungers was asked about Braun when Jungers appeared on the "Today Show" last week, and she denied even knowing her name. However, a recently obtained 1099 form supports Braun's allegations. According to Braun, Jungers was part a group of escorts managed by her, with Jungers’ income, according to the form, equal to $31,400.

She's not the only Tiger Woods mistress that apparently worked for Braun. Porn star Holly Sampson also has a 1099 filed by Braun. According to that document, which was filed for the 2009 tax year, Braun paid Sampson $24,600.
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