Sunday, October 18, 2009

Specter: GOP "A Party of Obstructionism"

Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA), longtime Republican who switched sides earlier this year, described his former party as a group of naysayers Sunday on Fox News, calling them a group of obstructionists.
On the Republican side, it’s no, no, no. A party of obstructionism. This is no longer the party of Jon Hymes and "Mac" Mathias and Lowell Weicker. You have responsible Republicans who had been in the Senate, like Howard Baker, Bob Dole, and Bill Frist, who say Republicans ought to cooperate. Well, they’re not cooperating. Bob Dole reportedly wouldn't return a telephone call from a Republican leader who wanted him to back off. Take a look at the absence of any Republican plan ...
Specter isn't the first to say this. Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) said recently that the GOP is against anything President Barack Obama is for, regardless of if it is good for Americans.
"They understand if Barack Obama were somehow able to cure hunger in the world, the Republicans would blame him for over-population.

They understand that if Barack obama could somehow bring about world peace, they'd blame him for destroying the defense industry.

In fact, they understand that if Barack Obama has a BLT sandwich tomorrow for lunch, they will try to ban bacon."
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