The costume current still appears online at,, and
"We didn't mean to sell it!" is essentially what Target said, using the excuse that the costume was added to its website by mistake. You can expect that will be the answer offered by a number of online retailers as they try to explain why this offensive costume appeared on their sites. However, it's probably also true that you could find this costume at brick-and-mortar retailers, too.
Target spokesman Joshua Thomas said:
"This is not in keeping with our brand. This was inadvertently uploaded to It was never intended to be part of our original assortment. This costume was never seen in our review process."Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, said in an e-mail to Target that the costume was “distasteful, mean-spirited, and ignorant of social stigmas and current debate on immigration reform.”
Customers weren't so happy with the costume either. Prior to item being taken down from Target's site, you could have seen that reviews were not kind. One anonymous customer wrote: "The costume is a sick sign of the times we are living in this country where those who are not 'people like us' might as well be from another planet and are considered less than human."
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