Friday, September 25, 2009

Blackwashing, a New Way for Racists to Bash Obama: Colbert

Stephen Colbert proposed a new methodology for racists to use to avoid being called racists when criticizing Obama in a racist manner. As he said, it's not really racism. Because of this, the best way to prevent people from accusing you of racism, is to be sure that you get other African-Americans to agree with you. Here's part of what he said:
Some of us just disagree with his policies. That's why we refer to him as "that boy" or "uppity." [...]

Sadly, anytime a racist criticizes the President, some cries racism. Fortunately, there's a solution. And it's tonight's word: blackwashing. [...]

What better way to prove you're not a racist, than by highlighting a fellow critic's race. You see, black people are handy. They allow us to criticize the President without being accused of racism. The same way Jewish people can tell Jewish jokes, and Irish people can tell Irish jokes. You see, having an African-American on your side whitewashes, or in this case, blackwashes your racism.

Unfortunately, 97% of African-Americans support the President's policies. I'd say, that's the real racism. Which kind of makes the President the real racist. [...]

I wish more African-Americans were like the President: raised by white people. But that may not be enough. After all, even Barack Obama almost always agrees with Barack Obama.

So, we need to find a way to ensure a reliable supply of African-Americans who will blackwash our criticism. Now, the obvious answer is to steal black children from their parents so they can be raised by racists. But good luck getting that passed by a Democratic Congress.

So, that unfortunately only leaves one answer: shoe polish. It's the traditional way for racists to show they have nothing against black people.

So, tea partyers, birthers, Glenn, Rush, don't let your valid criticisms be unfairly associated with racism. Before the next time you accuse the President of having a secret plan to take white people's money and give it to black people, or broadcast shuck and jive imitations of African-American leaders, put on a little blackwashing, then people will hear your real message. And that's the word.
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The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Blackwashing
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