Thursday, September 10, 2009

You Lie! No, Joe Wilson, You Lie.

Joe Wilson, who shouted "You lie!" in an huge show of disrespect for President Barack Obama, continues to take flak for it. In reality, a little fact-checking shows that it's Joe Wilson who's lied, and continues to lie.

First, Politifact shows that Joe Wilson is wrong.
One place where the bill does mention immigration status is for "affordability credits." These are tax credits for people of modest means need to buy health insurance. The credits would help them buy insurance on a national health insurance exchange. The bill specifically says that people in the United States illegally are not eligible for tax credits, on page 132, section 242.
At the same time, some point out that illegals will be able to buy insurance on the insurance exchange that has been proposed. Here's the key: no subsidies. They would have to pay full-price. And what's wrong with that? It's akin to them buying private insurance now at full price.

Second, Joe Wilson has also been one of the people railing against the so-called "death panels," a falsehood aimed at scaring people into being against health insurance reform.

Who's the liar, Joe?

Finally, there's the question of Joe Wilson's impartiality. According to the Center for Responsive Politics database, over his entire congressional career, health professionals have donated a total of $244,196 to his campaign. He received another $86,150 from pharmaceutical companies, $73,050 from insurance companies, and $68,000 from hospitals and nursing homes.

Hardly seems like an impartial legislator. On the other hand, at least he wasn't bragging about his sexual affairs on an open mike.
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