Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fox News Uses Archival Footage, Makes Palin Book Tour Crowd Look Larger

Fox News, which was recently caught by Jon Stewart and "The Daily Show" for using footage of a Sept. 12 Tea Party rally in Washington evidently to make a Nov. 5 anti-health reform rally look bigger, has been caught again. This time, they used archival footage of a 2008 Palin campaign stop, making the crowed at a book tour event.

In the first case, Sean Hannity admitted that "The Daily Show" was correct. Fox News had used footage of a Sept. 12 Tea Party rally, already contentious because a Fox New producer coached the protesters and stage-managed them, evidently to make a Nov. 5 anti-health reform rally look bigger.

The latest Faux News gambit was to use archival footage of a Sarah Palin campaign rally from last year to purport a huge crowd at a book event. Media Matters confirmed this; the footage was shown on Fox's "Happening Now" on Wednesday. Obviously, it wasn't "Happening Then," but rather November 1, 2008.

The McCain - Palin shirts (see image above) should have been a clue.

Fox News tried to palm off the footage as an honest mistake, but was it? We'll never really know. Senior vice-president Michael Clemente told the Chicago Tribune's Swamp Politics blog that "This was a production error in which the copy editor changed a script and didn't alert the control room to update the video. There will be an on-air explanation during 'Happening Now' on Thursday."
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