Friday, November 6, 2009

Private Health Insurance the "Worst Product in American History": Former Industry Shill

He's not the first former health insurance company ex-employee to speak of the extent to which the health insurance industry will go to ensure its profits, but he's the latest. Andy Cobb, a former Blue Cross spokesman, is fed up and has teamed with Brave New Films for a new ad.
"I was a spokesman for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida. Call me a spokesjerk. We're people who make money for buying things you don't need. And we're telling you lies.

It's cheaper than your cell phone bill. Sure, if your cell phone bill is $400 a month. American health care is a mess, and everybody knows it. But no matter how bad it gets, insurance companies trot out their spokesjerks, to charm you into buying their insurance and avoid a public option.

"They, by which I mean I, make money by standing in the way of reform. It's time for change.

"That's why I'm calling on leaders from the spokesjerk industry. The guy. The Shamwow dude. And Senator Bill Nelson, recipient of big money from insurance companies -- to lead us. To walk away from their cash cows and tell American people the truth.

"And us spokesjerks, we'll be fine. There's plenty of room in entertainment for people who tried to sell you the worst product in American history. Private health insurance."
Many have wondered why we need insurance companies. And not just health insurance companies, but any insurance companies. As they are, by the very fact that they are corporations, driven to maximize profit for their shareholders, how can they do anything but try to reduce costs. And that means, denying care to those who most need it.

Watch the video:

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