At the same time, 37 percent say they do not know enough to form an opinion. That's hard to believe, if you know that Palin was ignorant enough to believe Africa was a country and not a continent. It's also hard to believe, since there's been much publicity around Sarah Palin of late, with her new memoir, "Going Rogue," releasing today.
Among the GOP, only 52 percent give her high approval. That's somewhat surprising, but the number among Democrats is not: only four percent of Dems give her high marks.
Overall, two out of three people surveyed said they do not want her to run for the presidency during the 2012 election. In fact, a majority of the GOP, by a 48 - 44 percent majority, do not want a Palin candidacy in 2012.
Unsurprisingly, the survey revealed that Palin's greatest support appears to come from white evangelical Christians. Those would support a Palin 2012 presidential bid, but only by a slim majority, 48 - 42 percent.
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