Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Prejean: Sextape "Biggest Mistake Of My Life"

Carrier Prejean's sextape, which effectively ended her lawsuit against the Miss California pageant, has been called the "biggest mistake of my life" by the former beauty queen. She appeared on Seah Hannity's Fox News show last night, discussing the issue, and stating the tape was made for her boyfriend at the time.

Wait, a Prejean sextape would intimate that the two were having pre-marital sex. Naughty, naughty, Miss Family Values.

Prejean dropped her lawsuit against the pageant after officials and lawyers brought out the tape and showed it to her, and to her mother, who happened to be in attendance.

Carrie Prejean's 85 minutes of fame began when she famously told Perez Hilton during the Miss USA pageant that she was against same-sex marriage. She didn't win, and accused judges of voting against her for that reason.

Then began a contentious relationship with the Miss California pageant as she openly attended anti-same-sex marriage events and filmed anti-same-sex marriage ads, as well as missing Miss California pageant authorized events. Semi-nude photos of her (with a slight Prejean nipple-slip) were also brought to light.

Prejean discussed the sextape on "The Today Show" today as well. On the show, she sandi news of the sextape is just another part of a seven-month-old "campaign to try and silence me."

When asked by host Meredith Vieira why she dropped her $1 million lawsuit against Miss California USA, she wouldn't elaborate, saying she's "not allowed" to discuss the particulars of the matter.
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