Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We Can't Kill All The Muslims: O'Reilly

Tuesday, following the Fort Hood memorial service, during an interview with Lt. Col Ralph Peters, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly stated flatly, "we can't kill all the Muslims," as the reason for why we try to reach out to moderates.

Peters said:
"It's clear that the problem is Islam. And the other thing that offended me in all the speeches at Fort Hood today, not one mention of terror, terrorist, terrorism. I didn't expect him to mention Islamist terrorism; that would be too far for Obama. But what does it take, what evidence does it take for our president to admit this was an act of terror?"
O'Reilly's response:
"It was an act of terror. Let me play devil's advocate here. Barack Obama wants to win hearts and minds in the Middle East, in the Muslim world, which is a good thing. And you know that. As a soldier, we can't kill all the Muslims. So we want to win the hearts and minds of as many good, moderate Muslims as we can.

"So he goes out of his way to avoid the Muslim terrorist label, which clearly applies to Hasan. But he doesn't do it (sic) because he wants to tamp down the anger in the Muslim world, rather than ratchet it up. So is that not a worthy strategy?"
While it sounds, at first glance, like a positive statement, because O'Reilly purports that "winning hearts and minds" of Muslims is a "good thing," it's interesting that neither of the two speak of the fact that there are non-Islamic terrorists. It also seems to posit that our outreach is simply because we can't "kill them all," which would be the favorable path, to O'Reilly.

Additionally, while being politically correct has perhaps gone overboard (and not just in the U.S.), it's also not true that being PC is exclusive to discussing terrorism.

Watch the video:

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