Thursday, September 10, 2009

Joe Wilson's "You Lie" Outburst During Obama Speech Draws Bipartisan Criticism

The name Joe Wilson has entered another firestorm in politics. No, not the Joe Wilson whose wife and CIA operative Valerie Plame was outed during the Bush administration, allegedly as retribution. No, this is Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina.

While addressing a series of falsehoods that have been cast at the idea of health care reform, which is really health insurance reform, Obama denied that his health care proposal would cover illegal immigrants. To that, Joe Wilson shouted, "You Lie!" According to HuffPo, he drew attention, and shocked looks, from many:
All eyes turned in the South Carolina Republican's direction -- including Obama's, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's and Vice President Joe Biden's.

Wilson, looking agitated, leaned forward and began tapping away at his BlackBerry, as if he were Googling up proof that the president had, in fact, lied.

"Shame on you!" shouted someone from the Democratic side. "Throw him out!" shouted someone else. First Lady Michelle Obama, seated behind and above Wilson, seemed to mouth a drawn-out "damn" at the scene unfolding before her.
Following Obama's speech, Joe Wilson was criticized by both sides of the aisle. It seems to be a character flaw of his. The New York Times pointed out that "Jackie Calmes points to the biography of Mr. Wilson in CQ’s “Politics in America,” which includes this line: “Wilson’s sharp and careless remarks sometimes land him in hot water.”

Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ), said the outburst was disrepectful and demanded an apology. He told Larry King, "No place for it in that setting or any other, and he should apologize for it immediately."

Rep. Earl Pomeroy (D-N.D.) said, "I've never seen anything like that before. We do not invite the president of the United States into the House of Representatives and hurl insults."

Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), the longest serving member in House history, said: "Well, you've got to understand: They're Republicans. They're just doing what comes natural."

Not long after the speech ended, Joe Wilson issued an apology.
"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility."
Joe Wilson also phoned the White House to apologize. However, he did not reach Obama, but spoke to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who accepted the apology in Obama's stead.

Meanwhile, Joe Wilson's web site crashed, his Twitter page took a beating, and Democrat Rob Miller raised thousands of unexpected dollars online for a possible rematch with Wilson in next year's midterm elections.

Despite what Joe Wilson may want to think, there is nothing in bills from the House or Senate that allows illegal immigrants to partake of any subsidies of any sort, in this plan, or the public option.

What many people complain about is treatment of illegal immigrants in ERs. While I would grant that places a burden on the rest of American society, I would ask this:
Would you turn away someone who is dying of a heart attack because he is illegal? You forget that there's this thing called the Hippocratic Oath that prevents doctors from doing so no matter what you might think.

At any rate, Joe Wilson's outburst just shows that our republic has degraded into disrepect, outbursts, and an apparent lack of the ability to allow someone to speak in a dissenting voice without trying to shout him or her down.

Watch John McCain call for an apology from Joe Wilson on Larry King:
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