It's not bad enough that this right-wing blogger, Kristen Atkinson first stated that Obama's mother-in-law practiced Santeria, after Wonkette tore her to shreds, she sent them this insane email (emphasis mine, with a few in-line comments):
Dear Wonkette editors,BTW, why is it no one seems to understand that Islam and Fascism are mutually exclusive? There is no such thing as an Islamo-Fascist. As one commenter said at Wonkette: Thorazine, Kristen, Thorazine.
I posted a very serious article recently in about witchcraft in the White House, and later realized that your website had made a farce out of it. I saw that your staff and readers made a lot of extremely cruel comments about me and my story. Why are you people so rude? Does anybody take anything seriously anymore?
Do you really, truly, seriously think it is OK for a president to use a forged birth certificate? Do you actually believe it is appropriate for a man who was raised a Muslim to pretend he is a Christian (Kristen, you pretend to have a brain ...) and go to a church for 20 years with an anti-American preacher? Do you really want a president who was brainwashed by communists (he's a communist Muslim. Total oxymoron. Communism is an atheist socio-political philosophy. Marx said "religion is the opium of the people," remember?) since he was a child, up through university, to hate America (yes, I know. Trying to help people with universal health care shows his hatred. Oh, and you right-wingers: you are against reform because??? Do unto others, guys) to be our president? Do you think that it is fine if a family member of the president defiles the White House with voodoo? Don’t you know what fate could befall our nation as a result of allowing Satanic forces to gather over the White House?
After 8 years of a president sent by God to lead the American people and rescue us from the horrors of 911 and Islamo-fascists, it now boils down to this? How incredibly tragic. You folks don’t really seem to understand the extreme peril that our nation confronts. Stop making fun of me. (sorry, that's part of Wonkette's "thing") Take off your blinders! Wake up!
Respectfully, Kristen
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