Friday, August 21, 2009

Ex-Adult Film Stars Fight AIDS in the XXX Industry

HIV / AIDS is a big worry in the adult film industry, as one might expect. Thursday, two former adult film actresses, Jan Meza (left, above) and Shelley Lubben, spoke at a press conference Thursday in Los Angeles with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), an AIDS advocacy group, and The Pink Cross, a group that helps people exit the adult film industry, calling for condom use in all adult films.

Films that feature "bareback" or condom-less sex are more popular than those which do not, and although reassurances are always made about "testing," Jan Meza, said that testing may be more PR than truth. She noted that she did a scene with 25 men, was told that they were all tested, but added that she never saw the paperwork.
"It breaks my heart to acknowledge that during my time as a porn star, I’ve done a scene with 25 men and even though I was assured that all of the STD testing had been taken care of by the producers, in my heart I realize now that this was probably a lie because I never saw the tests for myself."
According to AP Jan Meza said she asked about the use of condoms when she first started appearing in adult films. Meza, who later contracted herpes, "was told that I would never get work again." I'm assuming they meant if she insisted on condom use, she would never work again.

Jan Meza now works with The Pink Cross, which was founded by former adult film star Shelley Lubben. The Pink Cross, is a faith-based charity group that provides help for people who want to leave the industry.

Despite the real-life examples of Jan Meza and Shelley Lubben, Hustler CEO Larry Flynt told the AP that it's all about the money. People want to see "bareback" sex, and thus condoms would reduce profit, though he said it would be profit for the actors and actresses.

In reality we know where the profit really goes.

At the aforementioned press conference, the AHF filed complaints with CalOSHA, Californian's workplace safety organization, against 16 production companies that show unprotected sex in their movies.
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