Thursday, August 20, 2009

DHS Pressured to Raise Terror Alert Level to Help Bush in Re-Election

While probably no politician is free from misstatements (i.e., lies), it's been seen of late that the GOP appears to be willing to lie about anything, including nonsensical "death panels," and Stephen Hawking's lack of survivability if he "suffered" the U.K.'s universal health care, if they get their way. That said, it's not new. Take a look at this report.

Tom Ridge's book, The Test of Our Times: America Under Siege...And How We Can Be Safe Again, is coming out on September 1st, and in it, among other things, the book details the following (from the publisher's notes):
How Ridge effectively thwarted a plan to raise the national security alert just before the 2004 Election
That didn't have an effect on the result, as Bush won, but it's clear that then and since, it's always been "scare tactics" that the GOP uses best. That includes death panels, and things about safety within our borders.

Realistically, however, if we can't even prevent a nut case from going into a fitness club and killing 3 women, how do you expect to protect the country against terrorism? It's not a matter or which political party is in charge; common sense says it's impossible no matter what we do.
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