Unlike Nadya Suleman, this woman also doesn't have six additional babies, all by in vitro fertilization, waiting for her at home. The unnamed woman is an Arabic language teacher who has had two miscarriages since her marriage in 2007. She is carrying six boys and six girls.
However, fertility experts warned of the possibility that the strain of carrying so many babies at once could lead to her going into labor after just 20 weeks. That is about 1/2 way through a normal pregnancy. It's also and four weeks less than the UK's legal limit for abortion, which shows you just how early in the pregnancy it really is.
In fact, experts have given the chance of even one of the babies surviving as 1 in 100. It is unclear if the mother was offered the option of “selective reduction,” in which case several of the fetuses are aborted in order to increase the chance of survival of the remaining fetuses and their mother.
The prior record for multiple pregnancies was set in 1996. A 23-year-old Greek Cypriot woman became pregnant with 11 babies. Unfortunately, nine had to be aborted to save the lives of the other two.
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